SamanĂ¡ Remembered
The photograph of the interior was taken after the first service in the new church. In his Lectures on Religion, Eli Siegel has written that religion is a big way that people have tried to like the world. The people didn't use their new building to praise themselves, though they had labored many months to build it, and were still at work on it. Preaching in that first service, the church steward said, "This is only a building. A man can live in a palace and do evil things. He can live in a hut of straw and God can dwell in him." And the people said, "AMEN!"
In this photograph there is a sense of a congregation even though the church is empty. The pews on the left and the right have curves that are in people, and there is something like a procession from the dark into the light. The light shining around the lectern in the rough unfinished church makes me think of the pride and humility in that homily and the good will that the people of the church were hoping to have.